52+ Are You My Homework Pick Up Lines

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Are you tired of the same old pickup lines? Do you want something that will make you stand out in a crowded online dating scene? Look no further! If you’re ready to make a memorable first impression with your potential match, then you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to dazzle, charm, and captivate with these unique and captivating pickup lines. Whether you’re a master of wit, a hopeless romantic, or a smooth talker, there’s something here for everyone. So, grab your virtual pen and let’s craft some lines that will leave a lasting impact.

are you my homework pick up lines image

Short and cute are you my homework pick up lines to impress a girl:

  • Are you my homework? Because I want to slam you on the table and do you all night long.
  • Are you my homework? Because I should be doing you right now, but I’m just procrastinating.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to throw you on the bed and forget about you till the last minute.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I did you all by myself, but I’ll probably end up getting help from someone else.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to focus on you, but I’ll probably end up getting distracted and watching Netflix instead.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to spend way more time on you than I should, and still not get a good grade.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stress about you all week and then forget you on the weekend.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to make a half-hearted attempt at you and then give up and take a nap.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I understand you, but deep down, I’m totally lost.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to make excuses for not doing you, but in the end, I know I have to face the consequences.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stay up all night with you, fueled by caffeine and desperation.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend you don’t exist until the very last minute, and then panic and rush to get you done.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to copy you from someone else, but make it look like my own work.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stress about how much I have to do, but secretly enjoy the challenge.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a sense of accomplishment when I finally finish you, even though I complained the whole time.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to keep putting you off until I absolutely have to do you, and then wonder why I didn’t start sooner.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I have a plan for you, but really I’m just making it up as I go along.
  • Corny and cheesy are you my homework pick up lines love messages to start a conversation on Tinder:

  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a mix of dread and satisfaction when I turn you in.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to try to impress you with my intelligence, but end up overthinking everything and making it more complicated than it needs to be.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to have a love-hate relationship with you, where I grumble about the effort but secretly enjoy the challenge.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to convince myself that I’ll start on you early, but realistically, I’ll probably leave you until the last minute.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to tell myself I’ll do better next time, but deep down, I know I’ll probably repeat the same pattern.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a sense of relief when I finally finish you, even though I know there’s always more to come.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to try to impress you with my dedication, but end up just making excuses for why I didn’t do better.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a sense of accomplishment when I conquer you, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to procrastinate on you for as long as possible, even though I know it’s not a good idea.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to tell myself I’ll do better next time, but realistically, I’ll probably just repeat the same cycle.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stress about you all day, and then forget about you as soon as I hand you in.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a mix of dread and satisfaction when I complete you, even though I know the cycle will just begin again.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to convince myself that I’ll do better next time, but deep down, I know I’ll probably just find new ways to procrastinate.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I understand you, but deep down, I’m just faking it till I make it.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to make you my top priority, but end up getting sidetracked by everything else in my life.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a sense of relief when I finally finish you, even though I know there’s always more to come.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to tell myself I’ll do better next time, but realistically, I’ll probably just repeat the same cycle.
  • Good are you my homework pick up lines for Hinge:

  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stress about you all day, and then forget about you as soon as I hand you in.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a mix of dread and satisfaction when I complete you, even though I know the cycle will just begin again.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to convince myself that I’ll do better next time, but deep down, I know I’ll probably just find new ways to procrastinate.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I understand you, but deep down, I’m just faking it till I make it.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to make you my top priority, but end up getting sidetracked by everything else in my life.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a sense of relief when I finally finish you, even though I know there’s always more to come.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to tell myself I’ll do better next time, but realistically, I’ll probably just repeat the same cycle.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stress about you all day, and then forget about you as soon as I hand you in.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a mix of dread and satisfaction when I complete you, even though I know the cycle will just begin again.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to convince myself that I’ll do better next time, but deep down, I know I’ll probably just find new ways to procrastinate.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I understand you, but deep down, I’m just faking it till I make it.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to make you my top priority, but end up getting sidetracked by everything else in my life.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a sense of relief when I finally finish you, even though I know there’s always more to come.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to tell myself I’ll do better next time, but realistically, I’ll probably just repeat the same cycle.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to stress about you all day, and then forget about you as soon as I hand you in.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to feel a mix of dread and satisfaction when I complete you, even though I know the cycle will just begin again.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to convince myself that I’ll do better next time, but deep down, I know I’ll probably just find new ways to procrastinate.
  • Are you my homework? Because I want to pretend I understand you, but deep down, I’m just faking it till I make it.